The Crucible Essay

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By Scarlet Marr
Published Apr 14, 2023

Salem Witch Trials’ performance illustrates the power of an individual or group that previously had no control to gain power. The Salem Witch Trials catalyzed the transition from being powerless to having authority. It is imperative for an individual to have access to resources and autonomy in order to become powerful.

The witnesses can clearly see that facing hardship has enabled those who were initially weak to gain power. Throughout the drama, Abigail, Tituba, and all those accused lack control over their predicaments. These individuals were put in a difficult position due to their lack of prestige in society.

Due to her servitude, Abigail found herself in an unenviable position. Those of African descent, such as Tituba, were not highly regarded at the time. Tituba was trying to convey to Reverend Hale that she had no control over Abigail’s actions and that all of her allegations were unfounded. Nevertheless, Hale paid no attention to her words and asked, “Can you absolve her of it now? How long ago did you sign the Devil’s contract?”

The people accused of a crime were in a difficult position as the prosecutors had the upper hand. No matter their social standing or moral principles, they were exposed to being judged. A person’s empowerment is their ability to take action or their right to do so.

The film portrayed the disparities between those in control and those who are controlled, with the message of gaining strength being a key message. Once powerful, the Proctors lost their influence. Abigail felt strongly for John when they started connecting.

The depth of her affection and preoccupation with him is apparent during the first act when she asks, “You want me to put out the light in my eyes?” There are so many things I am unwilling to comply with! John Proctor, no matter what I’ve done, you still care about me, regardless of what I’ve done!

She implores him time and time again to stay with her and blames Elizabeth for her current misfortunes. I am not willing and cannot comply! John Proctor, you had feelings for me, and whatever wrong I may have done, you still care for me! I am unable to continue working for someone who is so hostile and deceitful, as well as being very unemotional and weepy.

A false accusation is made by Abigail because of her resentment toward Elizabeth. The citizens of the town are hostile towards Abigail if she is blamed (even if it is not her who is responsible for the accusation). The Reverends maintain their authority throughout the story from a different perspective.

They possess a spiritual advantage that grants them immunity from condemnation. It was inconceivable for the inhabitants of the town to practice witchcraft due to their strong religious beliefs. Possessing authority can entirely shift an individual’s outlook on life. This performance illustrates how authority has impacted the lives of numerous individuals.

By utilizing the witch trials, Abigail moved from being powerless to becoming powerful. Taking advantage of deceptive tactics, the accusers used them to their advantage and got rid of those they deemed deserving of punishment. By revealing who they were, individuals in the town could avoid being associated with any type of witchcraft.

It has happened multiple times that managers (the proctors) and those comfortable with their current situation (the accused) have been abruptly stripped of their authority because of a drastic change in circumstances. Holding authority can make one feel in charge, yet not all motivations stem from noble causes, as illustrated in the preceding sections.

Certain people, such as Abigail, act destructively because of their animosity. When individuals are denied the authority they possess, it can incite despair within them. Those who were accused of witchcraft had no control over their own destiny; they were seen as enemies by the community.

Even if an individual was acquitted of the charge of witchcraft, they remained at risk of being targeted simply for having been accused.

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It appears that the community is in an excited state. When she refers to Abigail, it almost seems as if she is describing a saint due to her choice of words. When Abigail entered the courtroom, people created a path for her, much like the Red Sea did for the Israelites. People are forced to appear before the court, and if they make a loud commotion and collapse, they are immediately incarcerated for allegedly casting a spell.

John claims that people own up to supposed misdeeds out of trepidation and not because the accusations are true.

To sum up, having control affects individuals and reveals their genuine personalities. Through this dramatic production, audiences can witness the motivations that compel the characters and how these influences can detrimentally affect the lives of others.

The characters in this play and in real life were molded by strength, challenge, and personality. The characters in this play and in real life were molded by strength, challenge, and personality. Certain individuals utilize the resources available to them to create a beneficial effect, while others misuse them.

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The crucible, Short ,Analytical,



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Undergraduate, Postgraduate
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The crucible, Short ,Analytical,



Academic Level

Undergraduate, Postgraduate
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