The Crucible Essay Examples

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The Crucible Argument Essay

The Crucible Argument Essay is a type of essay that focuses on John Proctor’s role as a tragic hero in Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible. In this essay, you should focus on how his choices and actions ultimately lead him to his downfall. You must also discuss the various themes present in the play such as justice and truth that are related to Proctor’s struggle. Additionally, an argument must be made about why John Proctor is a tragic hero and back it up with evidence from the text. Finally, you should provide your own analysis of what happened in the play and draw conclusions based on your personal opinion or insights derived from research on topics related to The Crucible.

Abigail is a complicated young woman who is driven by her ambition, passion and courage. She is socially ambitious and uses manipulation to achieve her ends. Abigail has strong convictions about what she believes in and will stop at nothing to make sure that justice is served, even if it means breaking the rules of society. Abigail started accusing people of being involved with the devil, which caused many townsfolk to be scared and believe what she said. Abigail quickly gained power from this situation because she became widely respected in Salem. As more and more people began to listen to her words, her power grew exponentially.

Tituba also transitioned from powerless to powerful due to the trials; however Tituba’s journey was much different than Abigail’s. Initially Tituba worked as a slave for Reverend Parrish and his family; therefore, having no power whatsoever.

During the Salem Witch Trials, Tituba falsely confessed that she had made a deal with the devil in order for her life not be taken away from her by hanging like everyone else accused of witchcraft. By confessing false claims made against those accused of witchery gave Tituba status among the townspeople since they regarded her word highly due to their fear of witchcraft itself.

This statement is a prime example of how the people in Salem had to face discrimination and racism. It is also an example of how gender roles played a big part in this play. Abigail, being a female, was at a disadvantage because she wasn’t seen as equal to males like Hale or even her uncle John Proctor who accused Abigail of witchcraft.

Tituba was also seen as lesser than the other characters due to her race and position. This clearly shows that these characters were oppressed by society and didn’t have much power when it came to defending themselves against false accusations. The fact that they were so easily dismissed proves this point further since these people weren’t respected enough for their words to be taken seriously by anyone else present in the court room.

The accused were not given the chance to empower themselves, or even have a say in the proceedings. The accusers had all of the power and could make any decision they wanted without consulting those being judged. This left them at an extreme disadvantage and created an unfair situation for everyone involved.

Furthermore, these accusations also took away their sense of agency: the ability for individuals to exercise control over their own lives. In this instance, each person was subjected to accusations without a right to defend themselves or be heard in court. This lack of autonomy was more than just wrong; it was oppressive and dehumanizing as well.

Ultimately, while we can never know what really happened during those accusation trials centuries ago, we do know that those who were accused were put at a huge disadvantage because they lacked empowerment in some way or another.

The theme of empowerment is also seen in the way Elizabeth deals with Abigail when she returns home after being accused of witchcraft.

She speaks up against Abigail and stands up for what is right despite her husband’s objections. Elizabeth knows that if she doesn’t stand up for herself now, then no one will later on down the line.

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