Sociology is one of the five major branches of social science that study human social relationships, societies, and institutions. Due to rapid social change, sociology was developed in Europe in the mid-1800s by Auguste Comte. Seeing the aftermath of the French Revolution and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, Auguste Comte Decided to study and name the discipline sociology.
Sociology is derived from the Latin words “Socius,” which translates to “Companionship,” and “Ology,” which means “the study of.” Combined, Sociology means “the study of companionship.”
There are two main approaches to sociology. First is the positivist approach. This type of approach is similar to other branches of science that use research-based methods. Second is the interpretive approach. Contrary to positivism, interpretive uses theories and ideas to prove that reality is purely based on the actions of people and social institutions.
In conclusion, Sociology teaches us how to be more human. It tackles the common issues we face every day, such as racism, sexism, and classism. Sociology explains why people use social media, gives us an idea as to why we face these things and prepares us for what could happen in the future.
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