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High school is the time when friendships are made and broken. After all, it’s one of the most important lessons life can teach us- how to lose friends and yet survive in spite of it. It also teaches us how to make new ones after a while, but this process takes place at its own pace!
High school exposes us to different experiences that may shape our lives; we become eager learners with an appetite for knowledge as well-. We join various activities such as sporting teams, debate clubs or language classes because they give us a chance to expand our horizons beyond the classroom walls. Participating in these activities gives us exposure to real world experiences making us more confident on facing them later in life.
We explore relationships, experiment with fashion and develop our own identities. It is during these adolescent years that parents need to be most patient while striking a balance between giving their kids enough freedom without sacrificing supervising them completely.
We make mistakes and learn from them, acquire new knowledge and look towards setting career goals for ourselves. In this tumultuous phase of growing up, proper guidance on the part of parents coupled with understanding by peers will hold us in good stead for life ahead!
High school was also the time when I first started to understand what my dreams were and how to pursue them. My friends were a great support for this aspect of my life. We would study together and even tutor each other in areas we felt weak.
During our free times, we would hang out at the movies or go shopping only to discover new things about ourselves and one another. There is no better way to form meaningful relationships than high school days spent with your close friends!
No matter what our differences were, we would always come together to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. We would all dress up in matching outfits (or if you were the odd one out, you had to wear a crazy costume). These memories make me smile even today as they were some of my best times. The moments I shared with my friends made me realise how strong our bond was even when life kept us apart.
One particular incident happened when we were in the bus coming back from school. We had asked the driver to stop at a store so that we can buy snacks and as he agreed, we got down with some of our friends. While they went inside to make their purchases, me and my friend planned something funny which he would pull off while I recorded it on camera.
He went up to directly behind the driver’s seat, pretending like he wanted to drive away happily and acted as if his fingers are turning the steering wheel despite there being no keys in it or even an engine running! We could hear all those people present laughing hysterically and even the generally grumpy driver broke into fits of giggles seeing this outrageous act!
High school romances don’t always last however, and often high school sweethearts break up after the summer holidays. But even if they break up, it still teaches these teenagers a lot about how to handle relationships — especially when things become challenging or difficult. It also helps them in choosing their future mate because at least they know what qualities are important for them in a partner and also what kind of relationship works best for them. High school love is something that creates long-lasting memories regardless of whether it was successful or not.
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