The American Dream In The Great Gatsby Essay

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By Anonymous
Published Apr 14, 2023

The notion of the American Dream symbolizes the principles of hard work and resilience. Many themes are evident in Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, but the most significant one is the corruption of its plot. This dream is widely seen as someone from a simple background who is dedicated to attaining wealth and fame.

Analyzing the financial status, societal standing, and circumstances of the protagonists in a novel in comparison to the present time offers insight into how the American Dream has changed from the 1920s to the present. Success does not come without effort; it requires diligence, perseverance, and determination. For Myrtle Wilson, the American Dream of achieving great wealth and an elevated social status is a very difficult goal to accomplish.

She is in a marital union with an employed individual of middle socioeconomic status who has a garage in an aged section of New York. Myrtle’s preoccupation with wealth and prosperity has had a profound impact on her, driving her to abandon her loyal, caring, and diligent companion in favor of Tom Buchanon’s financial status.

When discussing her marriage, Myrtle admitted that she had been impulsive when she tied the knot, recognizing immediately that she had erred. He obtained a formal outfit from a different source for his wedding. Then I reclined and bawled for a long time in the afternoon. Throughout the book, Myrtle is preoccupied with her own social position and the idea that if she follows societal norms, she will attain wealth and contentment.

She concluded by saying that she wed the person, believing he was honorable. I believed that he had some understanding of animal husbandry. However, he was not qualified to even touch my boot. John Bowen prominently expresses his views on the anticipation of prosperity, providing an extensive demonstration of how people demonstrate and perform their social rankings and ambitions through clothing, language, and behavior.

He continually gravitates towards individuals who are on the outskirts, instead of the focal point, of societal groups. The issue of social stratification is an essential factor in both the book and the current world. As a female living in the modern era, Myrtle Wilson endeavored to reexamine her place in society and her union, which she felt did not match her social status.

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Unlike other authors, Bowen’s approach to depicting people and their distinctions relies on physical appearances and actuality, exemplified by Myrtle’s character throughout the novel. A number of individuals have set the goal of relocating to a large metropolitan area. The stimulating atmosphere of cities such as Los Angeles and Paris captivates people.

The idea of the American Dream has been significantly transformed as the result of the rise of large cities and the development of society. Yet, it still serves as a benchmark between different eras. Back in 1922, New York, Long Island was divided by an apparent discrepancy between the two towns: West Egg and East Egg. While the former was not as affluent as the latter, their disparity was far more than a mere economic disparity – it was practically enigmatic and somewhat eerie.

The location of my residence was at the extremity of the oviform isle, merely 50 yards away from the Sound, with two expansive dwellings rented for 12 to 15 thousand dollars per season, with my abode sandwiched in amongst them.

Gatsby was a captivating, alluring figure in his adulthood, with a mysterious past. At that moment, his polite style of talking almost seemed too much, considering he was only a few years over the age of thirty. His fame within the area is unrivaled due to his often-luxurious gatherings and sumptuous estate.

Susan T. Fiske asserts that individuals are continually tuned to their standing on the social ladder. Those on the higher tiers exhibit distinct behaviors, emotions, and thought processes different from those on lower levels. In the current era, people are putting in more effort to attain achievements, as it is more difficult to achieve objectives. The notion of the American dream through labor is more prevalent in our society than in the past.

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Great Gatsby, Poetry Analysis,


poetry,great gatsby,novel, daisy, wealth, scott, people, pursuit, happiness, money, story, theme

Academic Level

Undergraduate, Postgraduate




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Great Gatsby, Poetry Analysis,


poetry,great gatsby,novel, daisy, wealth, scott, people, pursuit, happiness, money, story, theme

Academic Level

Undergraduate, Postgraduate




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