Research Paper Topics: Inspiring Research Paper Ideas Students Can Choose To Get An A+

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Composing a research paper is one of the most difficult aspects of school life. In fact, coming up with a decent research paper topic can be even more challenging than doing the research itself.

There are several roadblocks while selecting a topic, such as a lack of imagination, insufficient essay writing abilities, and experience, or a lack of research material on the chosen topic. 

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These and other obstacles may obstruct your ability to develop genuinely fascinating topics or themes. Moreover, selecting a topic also helps in developing a clear research paper outline.

So how do you overcome these problems and find an excellent research topic that fetches you great marks?

In this article, we’ll provide you with some pointers that’ll help you overcome the common issues while selecting a topic. Furthermore, we’ll list some good research paper ideas for your reference. 

How To Choose An Outstanding Topic For A Research Paper

To choose a research paper topic, you first need to analyze your interests. While narrowing down a decent research paper topic may appear challenging, the basic idea is to find something that influences you. Choosing a topic that you know makes it easy for you to present it well and back up your claims with enough relevant data and evidence. 

Furthermore, the topic should be well-organized and pertinent to your thesis statement. Therefore, always take the time to research the list of sources before writing your topic sentences so that they are relevant to your thesis. 

Before you begin working on the paper and selecting a topic, it is always a good idea to look at well-written research paper examples to get enough ideas. Here are some steps that you can follow to select a suitable research paper topic:

Observe Your Interests:

If you have trouble choosing a topic for your research paper, it’s best to start with what interests you the most. Don’t limit yourself to easy or simple research paper subjects merely to get the job done quickly. If you are free to choose your essay’s topic, take advantage of the opportunity to create something unique. 

Make a list of your hobbies and divide each one into little specific themes. When you have a list in front of you, it will be easier to decide and begin thinking about a specific issue.

Then it would be better if you considered which part of the issue is best to outline in your research paper. A list will come in handy again here. Use a pros/cons template to cover all of the issues’ arguments and objections.

Develop An Argumentative Research Question:

The most tricky component of selecting a competitive research paper topic is identifying a relevant aspect to your subject and the course in general. While it may appear that making a generic remark is adequate, your arguments should involve a specific research question. Consider why you choose a particular issue and how your research would clarify it or bring creative answers.

Investigate The Available Research Topic Ideas:

Given the risks of selecting anything too broad, it is critical to narrow things down and brainstorm a list of potential research essay topics that deal with the same subject. In other words, you can jot down at least five distinct topics and check if you can discover enough facts to back them up with references or statistical data. Keep in mind the significance of your topic’s phrase!

Ascertain That You Have Enough Information To Write A Paper:

If you have a genuine interest in a particular subject, the availability of sufficient knowledge should be your second-highest priority when selecting a topic.

It is critical to have enough materials for writing your research paper. Books, various scientific journals, internet sources such as blogs and websites, encyclopedias, and so on are some of the materials you can look for. The more tools you have available to you, the easier it will be to develop your own work.

The less knowledge you are likely to find about a topic, the more specialized and fresh it is. As a result, if you choose such a topic, you must be prepared to encounter certain problems during the writing process. This is not to say that you should choose easy research paper subjects. Remember that a good topic should not be too simple or too complicated.

Create A Strong Thesis Statement:

Thesis statement writing should be done concurrently with the selection of your research paper topic because these two notions must be linked. Your subject must reflect the thesis statement’s key point. Compile a list of sources ahead of time so that you may incorporate pertinent material into your body paragraphs. They must, as usual, be supporting evidence for the idea in your thesis statement and the study goal.

Follow Your Teacher’s Instructions:

Last but not least, when choosing essay topics or ideas, keep your teacher’s directions in mind. The standards and constraints may differ depending on your academic level and the preferences of your teacher, and you must keep them in mind. Furthermore, confirming your topic with your teacher before you begin writing is usually a good idea. If they believe it is a terrible option, they will likely give you some assistance and will appreciate the fact that you asked.

Also, check out our research paper sample pdf for further reference.

Additional Tips For Choosing The Best Research Paper Ideas

Here are some essential characteristics that make a good research paper topic. Remember these points when choosing the topic:


The topic picked must be relevant to potential readers.


Your topic’s aims (as well as expected findings) must be targeted and explicit. It should not be vague or confusing to the reader.


A good topic should add value and have an impact on your field of study or the community as a whole.


Issues that are trending are likely to pique readers’ curiosity due to their untapped potential.


To assure scientific uniqueness and originality, focus your effort on something that hasn’t been investigated previously.

Examples Of Good Research Paper Topics

Now that you comprehend what a good topic is let us give you some great research paper ideas to get you started. The top 100 intriguing topics to research, as chosen by our team, are listed below:

Psychology Research Paper Topic

Psychology is a large field of research that addresses a wide range of transdisciplinary concerns. The first step in writing a research proposal is to select a suitable topic. Your teacher’s attention is drawn to an interesting and fresh issue. Aside from a well-written proposal, it is what gets your notion accepted. 

If you’re a psychology student struggling to come up with a study topic, the following ideas will help you write outstanding papers:

  • What impact do violent video games have on the brain development of children?
  • How can divorce affect a child’s emotional development?
  • Do violent cartoons influence kids’ behavior and mental health?
  • Social anxiety and unhappiness in an introverted child
  • How to deal with child violence?
  • Tourette syndrome: Cause & effects
  • How might a patient’s family assist in the treatment of schizophrenia?
  • What are the biological and psychological factors that contribute to sociopathy?
  • Is occasional depression a natural state, and is society overly keen to label it as a disorder?
  • Men and women: How differently do their brains work?

Business Research Paper Topics

Firm research entails collecting reliable data on all elements of a business and then applying that data to increase agreements and benefits. In some cases, research paper writing aid can be obtained to assist in unpleasant situations. 

One vital aspect is that the research is intended to aid individuals or organizations in making informed decisions. These are some examples of topics:

  • Start-ups: An investigation into the difficulties that exist during the early phases of a firm.
  • How to Handle Emergencies in an Organization?
  • Following the fundamental rules of corporate law
  • Characteristics of a true business leader
  • Maintaining strong employee relationships
  • The ability of workgroups to evolve in order to meet future needs
  • Leadership techniques and inter-authoritarian networks
  • Product and service enhancements achieved through extensive collaboration
  • Crowdfunding and outsourcing: New Financing Methods
  • The Benefits of Owning a Small Business

Sociology Research Paper Topics

Sociology studies human behavior in a social context, emphasizing social groups, movements, cultures, social science, common manners, and customs. The study options are limitless with sociology’s vast reach and constantly changing societal patterns. 

Students may investigate everything from race to gender norms in society in a sociology paper. Select the most appropriate easy sociology study topics for yourself. Students can investigate the following topics:

  • Is emotional intelligence as important as everyone says it is?
  • Marriages involving abuse have both causes and consequences (s)
  • The future of transportation and driverless automobiles
  • Racial prejudices ruin humankind 
  • Animal experimentation ethics
  • The impact of the women’s rights movement on breaking the glass ceiling
  • The contemporary civil rights movement
  • Segregation based on class and geography
  • Religion’s Place in Society
  • Advantages and disadvantages of being a global citizen

College Research Paper Topics

During their first year of college, students are assigned to write research papers. These writing themes will suffice for the freshman!

  • Tutor competency tests versus degree requirements alone
  • The separation of church and state is opposed to religion’s contribution to the public good.
  • Fairness to families that must pay for school twice.
  • Teenage drug and alcohol misuse
  • Pregnancy rates among college girls are high
  • Desire to commit suicide while attending college
  • The ability to skip classes that a student does not believe are important
  • Reasons why young Americans should follow the British practice of taking a “gap year” between high school and college
  • Education and finance for college
  • The right to opt for and study the courses a student believes are important

Science and Technology Research Paper Topics

The world is rapidly changing, and the vast majority of technological advances are favorable. Some, however, have negative repercussions. When undertaking technology study, students should identify simple issues that affect a large number of people. They should also weigh the advantages and disadvantages of technological breakthroughs. Some examples are:

  • What role do CDfT-Cell Subsets play in HIV progression?
  • Is it conceivable for technology to ever completely replace human intelligence?
  • How does technology contribute to the advancement of genetic engineering?
  • Can nanomedicine potentially increase human longevity?
  • The potential role of cryogenics in the future
  • Can alternative energy effectively substitute fossil fuels?
  • Discussing alchemy and how it has been applied
  • Scientists’ challenges in breaking the sound barrier
  • Stem cells will play an essential part in the medical treatment of a variety of disorders.
  • Is the paleo diet an accurate representation of prehistoric life? Is it the healthiest diet?

Environmental Research Paper Topics

The better we understand why something happens in nature, the better we can improve or prevent it. It is vital to keep broadening our horizons, and knowing more about ecology, the environment, and research is one way to do so. It is the only way to prevent harmful side effects of industrial progress from wreaking havoc on our home planet.

We can also help to prevent the extinction of endangered species, which are essential components of our environment and whose extinction would destabilize their local ecology. Among the issues covered are:

  • The harmful impact of acid rain on aquatic life
  • What can we do to keep acid rain from killing wildlife?
  • What can we do to keep acid rain from killing wildlife?
  • What was the role of prehistoric species in today’s ecosystems?
  • The effects of air pollution on nature and human health 
  • Is it possible to slow down global warming? How do we do it?
  • Effective ways to reduce paper waste and save trees
  • The effects of humans on forests
  • Earthquake underground effects
  • How can you design the best hurricane-affected building adaptation?

Law Research Paper Topics

This paper has a set number of pages and a set period of time. However, the country or historical period will never limit you. There are approximately 21 areas of law in which you should concentrate your studies. 

From constitutional and criminal law to environmental and animal law, each student is bound to find an area of law that raises their interest. Some good subjects are:

  • What do we know about business rule classification and the legal regulation of non-consensual adoption in the United States?
  • Racial discrimination: The reasons why people all around the world are affected by racial unfairness
  • Juvenile infractions that are commonly committed
  • What are measures to be taken in the event of a mass emergency?
  • How does the law treat marriage and divorce for those who are mentally ill?
  • The impact of women’s authority in many places around the world
  • Detailed comparative criminal procedure analysis and report
  • Border security: When people cross the border, how do they get illegal drugs into their states?
  • Is the government contributing enough to ensure community safety?
  • Is the US Copyright Office truly assisting writers in defending their businesses?

Family Issues Research Paper Topics

It is not always simple to do research on family difficulties. This is especially true given that some students may come from happy families. As a result, many topics may be challenging to grasp. This field of study, on the other hand, has the potential to dramatically enhance the psychological climate in many households around the world. Some subjects to investigate include:

  • Resolving religious differences among families
  • Women who murder abusive husbands vs. murder punishment
  • There has been sexual abuse in the household. The escape strategy and organizations that can help
  • Is it possible to recover from substance misuse in a family if others are involved?
  • Maintaining family ties while not inheriting the family company
  • Balancing family support and allowing young adults to live on their own throughout the transition to maturity
  • A toxic and destructive relationship. Breaking up with a toxic spouse can have psychological consequences.
  • After the death of a family member, both children and adults go through stages of grief. How can we deal with this as a group?
  • What challenges can parents face if they foster a child?
  • When does adolescent misbehavior transcend the normal yearning for independence?
  • Differences in moral and cultural values among the generation gap. Is this common?

Education Research Paper Topics

The significance of improving education for students and society cannot be emphasized. But how are we going to get there? This study is one of the factors that lead to progress. Its purpose is to improve education by improving existing approaches and inventing new ones. Consider the following topics:

  • Discrimination in schools and its consequences for students’ futures
  • Will the development of emotional intelligence be one of the goals of modern education?
  • Is it still important in today’s education to have grades?
  • Age placement and skill placement
  • Are standardized English tests useful?
  • Do pupils from more affluent households perform better on standardized tests?
  • What are the most effective techniques for eliminating bullying in schools?
  • How can student debt influence their future life choices?
  • How much modern education be contrasted with traditional schooling?
  • Should graduate students have the right to form unions?

Religion & Literature Research Paper Topics

Literature is an exciting subject with a broad scope for research and religion. Research on literature is not merely summarizing a work of an author. Instead, it analyzes how a specific work influences the masses and society as a whole. Here are some excellent research paper ideas to get you started:

  • The arguments over Shakespearean authorship
  • The impact of literature on contemporary society
  • How does Harry Potter mirror contemporary ideas?
  • Investigating the Divine Comedy as a world masterpiece
  • Contrast Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary.
  • The Quran’s religious importance
  • Examine and debate the allegory of two random novels.
  • Fiction as a tool of propaganda
  • Arguments for viewing the Bible as literature
  • Literature on the American Dream

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

A writer must take a specific stand when writing argumentative papers. You have to select a debate you know and consider which side you support. Consider a topic given in the list below:

  • The Internet enables modern people to become wiser.
  • The necessity and interpretation of revoking a driver’s license
  • Influencers and bloggers should not be considered jobs.
  • Should smoking be prohibited indoors?
  • Animal welfare is more essential than commercial interests.
  • The fashion business has a negative impact on young people.
  • The federal government must regulate Internet-based information.
  • Violence against unborn children
  • Religious conflicts are frequently the root cause of hostilities.
  • Arguments for euthanasia in medical practice


When selecting a research paper topic, numerous options are available to help you get started. You can examine documents online to see whether the topic you wish to write about is relevant and contains sufficient data. The most vital consideration is that you enjoy your chosen topic because it will make writing more enjoyable.

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