Does ChatGPT Plagiarize? Few Serious Facts And Considerations For AI Generated Essay Writers
- Carson Clark By
- May 12, 2023
- 4 Min Read
Are you using ChatGPT to write your assignments? If yes, think again before submitting your essay. OpenAI’s latest creation is creating a lot of buzz among people, but not everything is positive. Although the number of appreciation it is receiving is increasing, there are some concerns expressed, especially by teachers and writers. This article will discuss one such issue that is trending – plagiarism.
Is content generated by ChatGPT free of plagiarism? Let us find out.
Can AI Content Be Plagiarism-Free?
AI content is basically the content generated by AI tools or software that is based on Artificial Intelligence. Before answering whether AI content can be free of plagiarism, it is essential to understand what plagiarism is.
ChatGPT, one of the trending AI tools, states plagiarism is ‘the act of using someone else’s work or ideas without giving proper credit to the original author.’ The keyword here is ‘someone,’ meaning an individual. However, since AI is not someone but something, it is not easy to apply the standard definition of plagiarism in such a context.
This is because a tool cannot be classified as a person and this makes it difficult to determine what plagiarism is with respect to tools. However, tools are trained using the information already available that has been written by humans, the content generated by tools will not be unique. Furthermore, one cannot guarantee that you’ll get plagiarism-free content from AI tools.
Does ChatGPT Plagiarize?
These types of questions concerning plagiarism arise when AI-generated essays come into the picture. Most students find it easy to submit AI-generated essays or other content as their assignments.
While tools like ChatGPT does a good job of providing excellent answers. There is no guarantee that the generated essays are 100% unique. Although the tool says it does not ‘intentionally plagiarize,’ one cannot completely eliminate plagiarism. This is because ChatGPT has been trained to provide answers to the queries raised by users.
The model, in fact, has been trained using a large body of text from books, the internet, journals, and other sources, and it utilizes the training to generate answers. In other words, the model uses the training and the patterns to provide answers.
Overall, the originality of ChatGPT answers is still inconclusive since the answers are based on the training, and they may have similarities with other texts. Thus, it is always best to double-check the answers on ChatGPT. Moreover, it is known that AI-generated content is not free of plagiarism, and OpenAI states that it doesn’t guarantee plagiarism-free content.
Therefore, if you are blindly submitting the content provided by ChatGPT, you will have to rethink. Consider a situation in which you and a friend ask the same question; chances are you will both get the same answer! This simply means that the tool may repeat the same content or answer.

Excellent Plagiarism Checker Tools
The proliferation of AI tools, particularly since the launch of ChatGPT, has directly impacted the growth of plagiarism checker tools available online. Here are some of the top plagiarism checker tools that come in both free and paid versions that you can check out:
- Plagiarism Checker X: This is one of the best tools that are available online for free to check plagiarism. The tool supports various formats, such as DOC, TXT, DOCX, RTF, ODP, PDF, and so on. You can easily check research papers on this tool without many hassles. Furthermore, the tool supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, Italian, and so on.
- Grammarly: This tool is one of the well-known tools among writers and students alike. While people use this tool to check grammar, sentence structure, and so on, one can also use it to check plagiarism too. However, the plagiarism checker feature is not available for free; rather comes in the premium version.
- Copyleaks: This is another tool that supports numerous languages and provides a comprehensive plagiarism report. Furthermore, the tool comes with automated grading that helps in recognizing plagiarized content. One can integrate this tool with Google Docs, MS Word, and others as well. Remember that this is a paid tool with limited free checks.
- CopyScape: This tool comes in both free and premium versions and is proven to be useful for checking plagiarism. The tool provides an option for tracking, and one can scan the document side-by-side. Furthermore, the tool also backs offline content indexing.
- BibMe: This is a wonderful tool that helps check plagiarism and also provides suggestions on style and grammar. The tool is user-friendly and supports creating citations for your content. Whether it is plagiarism or missing reference, BibMe offers appropriate support and suggestions that improve the quality of your content.
These are some of the popular plagiarism checker tools that you can use to check the content. However, there are numerous others apart from these, such as
- SmallSEOTools
- Plagramme
- Quetext
- PlagScan
- Unicheck
- Scribbr and others
Overall, one can say that ChatGPT and other AI tools do not intentionally plagiarize content, and it does not copy-paste word-to-word content. However, this does not mean that the content one gets is free of plagiarism.
There are pros and cons to using AI tools; although the tool provides good results, there are issues (cons) that can lead to problems. It is always best to think before you use AI-generated content, as there are chances of getting plagiarized content. Moreover, using AI tools like ChatGPT does have ethical and moral concerns.
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