A Master Guidebook On How To Cite A Book In APA Style With The Best Examples
- Jac Jo. By
- June 1, 2023
- 3 Min Read
Citation is essential for academic writing and research since it ensures that credit is given to the original writers and sources. We will supply you with the essential structure and examples to cite books in APA style in this detailed review correctly.
You will learn about the necessary elements, such as the author(s), publishing year, book title, and publisher, as well as proper formatting and capitalization guidelines. Following these standards will empower you to write correct and consistent book citations, increasing the reliability and integrity of your work.

What Is The Basic Book Citation Format?
The following components are included in the standard book citation structure in APA (American Psychological Association) style:
Author(s). (Year). The book’s Title. Publisher.
Here’s an instance of an APA book citation:
J. K. Smith (2019). The Art of Writing: A Handbook for Effective Communication. ABC Publications.
In this case:
- J. K. Smith is the writer’s name.
- The publishing year is 2019.
- The book is called “The Art of Writing: A Guide to Effective Communication.”
- ABC Publishing is the publisher.
If the book has many writers, provide each of their names in the order they occur on the title page. If no particular writer is mentioned, begin the citation with the Title of the book. Furthermore, if the book has an edition number, you would insert it after the Title.
Remember to capitalize the initial letter of the first word, proper nouns, and the initial letter of every word following a colon in the Title and italicize the Title. The publisher’s name should be given in its whole, with no abbreviations.
How To Cite Ebooks And Online Books In APA?
The fundamental citation structure for referencing ebooks and online books in APA format is the same as for print books. However, extra information about the digital version, like an URL or DOI (Digital Object Identifier), must be included. In APA style, the following is the usual structure for referencing ebooks and online books:
Author(s). (Year). The book’s Title. DOI or URL for the publisher
Use the DOI format in the citation if the ebook or online book has one. If no DOI is available, give the book’s URL instead. Here are two examples to help you understand:
Example 1: Ebook with DOI
Smith, J. K. (2019). The Art of Writing: A Guide to Effective Communication. ABC Publishing.
Example 2: Online book without DOI
Smith, J. K. (2019). The Art of Writing: A Guide to Effective Communication. ABC
The author’s name is Smith, J. K. In both cases, the year of release is 2019, and the Title of the book is “The Art of Writing: An Introduction to Successful Communication.” ABC Publishing is the publisher.
Ensure to capitalize the initial letter of the first word, proper nouns, and the first word following a colon in the Title and italicize the Title. The publisher’s name should be given in its whole, with no abbreviations.
Please keep in mind that if the online book can be accessed via a database or a specific platform, the name of the database or platform should also be included in the citation. Also, follow any special instructions offered by your school or the APA style guide you are using since there may be differences or other elements to consider.
How To Cite A Chapter From An Edited Book In APA?
When mentioning a section from an edited book in APA format, provide details pertaining to the chapter author and the editor. In APA style, the following is the standard citation structure for a chapter from an edited book:
A page range indicates where the chapter is in the book.
APA Format:
Initials and last name. (Year). The chapter’s Title. In the editor’s initials. Last name (Ed. or Eds.), Title of book (pp. page range). Publisher. If a DOI is available, use it.
APA Reference entry:
Belsey, C. (2006). Poststructuralism. In S. Malpas & P. Wake (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to critical theory (pp. 51–61). Routledge.
In-text Citation:
(Belsey, 2006, p. 55).
Citing a book in APA style necessitates paying close attention to details like the author(s), publication year, book title, and publisher. It is critical to use appropriate formatting, particularly italics, for titles and capitalization standards. The examples offered provide clear instructions for referencing books, allowing scholars to properly cite their sources in APA format.